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Attest Quotes

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As one who has often felt this need, and who has found refreshment in wild places, I attest to the recreational value of wilderness.

Tags: Found, Often, Value  ✍ Author: George Aiken

I actually was class clown, but I don't know how that happened because I've never been considered an outwardly funny person-as the people in this room will attest.

Tags: Actually, Funny, Happened  ✍ Author: Janeane Garofalo

It is deeply shocking and incomprehensible to me that despite volumes of documentation and living witnesses who can attest to the horrors of the Holocaust, there are still those who would deny it.

Tags: Deeply, Deny, Living  ✍ Author: Mark Udall

I've always enjoyed real work more than schoolwork. My mother will attest to that - she was always concerned about me academically.

Tags: Mother, Real, Work  ✍ Author: David Ulevitch

Envy, like the worm, never runs but to the fairest fruit; like a cunning bloodhound, it singles out the fattest deer in the flock.

Tags: Cunning, Envy, Fruit  ✍ Author: Pierre Beaumarchais

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