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Better Now Quotes

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I'm not head-strong, and I'm not egotistical. I understand certain things better now. I won't be trying to be play everyday. There's only one Cal Ripken, one Lou Gehrig and one Joe DiMaggio. What is good for them isn't necessarily good for Eric Davis.

Tags: Good, Trying, Understand  ✍ Author: Eric Davis

Jewish persecution is a historical memory of the present generation and people fear it in the present day, and that's why those references are so much more powerful. I just understand that better now.

Tags: Fear, Powerful, Understand  ✍ Author: Michael East

Communications are better now than in my Vietnam days.

Tags: Days, Vietnam  ✍ Author: R. Lee Ermey

Nolan Ryan is pitching much better now that he has his curve ball straightened out.

Tags: Ball, Curve, Pitching  ✍ Author: Joe Garagiola

I'm not trying to clock scores in this lifetime, it's just that things are better now than they were like five, ten years ago. Music has gotten a lot better. There's a lot of people who are committed to - soulfully.

Tags: Five, Music, Trying  ✍ Author: Jerry Garcia

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