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Biggest Difference Quotes

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Biggest Difference quote #1
Biggest Difference quote #2

The truth of the matter is, every film is imperfect. It's the nature of the beast. One of the things that people ask me all the time is, what's the difference between theater and film, and one of the biggest differences is, in the theater you always get another go.

Tags: Nature, Time, Truth  ✍ Author: Stephen Daldry

The biggest difference for me is momentum. On a smaller film you get to shoot sometimes four or five scenes a day and you've got to do the tight schedule. I think I really feel the luxuries of a big budget film.

Tags: Big, Film, Sometimes  ✍ Author: Joel Edgerton

The biggest difference between L.A. and Edmonton was that instead of people looking at me I was looking at them.

Tags: Between, Difference, Looking  ✍ Author: Wayne Gretzky

But what's interesting is now - and not only in horror, but across the board - the studios basically only make B pictures with A budgets. That's the biggest difference.

Tags: Difference, Horror, Pictures  ✍ Author: John Landis

The biggest difference between Kennedy and Nixon, as far as the press is concerned, is simply this: Jack Kennedy really liked newspaper people and he really enjoyed sparring with journalists.

Tags: Between, Difference, Far  ✍ Author: Ben Bradlee

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