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Anne Taintor's Profile

Brief about Anne Taintor: By info that we know Anne Taintor was born at 1953-08-16. And also Anne Taintor is American Artist.

Some Anne Taintor's quotes. Goto "Anne Taintor's quotation" section for more.

Becoming an entrepreneur was the furthest thing from my mind. I actually had an identity crisis when I realized I had become one.

Tags: Become, Crisis, Mind

I work hard, and managing an inventory-based business can be extremely stressful. The upside is that, as long as I get my job done, I can take time off pretty much any time I want.

Tags: Business, Time, Work

I'm interested in humor, and greeting cards just happen to be a perfect medium for my message. They're accessible to everyone, and thanks to all the advances that have been made by environmentally conscientious printers, I can get my message across while keeping my carbon footprint relatively small.

Tags: Happen, Humor, Small

My very first products were hand-made, one-of-a-kind pins. When I finally realized I could repeat a phrase to make multiples, 'intellectuals gone bad,' a fairly succinct description of my own life, seemed appropriate.

Tags: Bad, Gone, Life
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