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Correctness Quotes

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Correctness quote #1
Correctness quote #2

The social disease of political correctness has entered daily life, inverting good to bad and attempting to rewrite proud histories as an imposition of white supremacy for which we all should make contrition.

Tags: Bad, Good, Life  ✍ Author: Robert Agostinelli

Whether it's people walking off 'The View' when Bill O'Reilly makes a statement about radical Islam or Juan Williams being fired for expressing his opinion, over-reaching political correctness is chipping away at the fundamental American freedoms of speech and expression.

Tags: Away, Islam, Political  ✍ Author: Eric Cantor

Transcend political correctness and strive for human righteousness.

Tags: Human, Political, Strive  ✍ Author: Al D\'Amato

A lot of people are bored of all the political correctness.

Tags: Bored, Political  ✍ Author: Clint Eastwood

I am absolutely opposed to political correctness. You cannot confront hate speech until you've experienced it. You need to hear every side of the issue instead of just one.

Tags: Cannot, Hate, Political  ✍ Author: Herb Elliott

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