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Depended Quotes

See the gallery for tag and special word "Depended". You can to use those 8 images of quotes as a desktop wallpapers.
Depended quote #1
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Depended quote #3

I have always believed that all things depended upon Fortune, and nothing upon ourselves.

Tags: Fortune, Ourselves  ✍ Author: Lord Byron

I wouldn't know how to be on Facebook if my life depended on it.

Tags: Facebook, Life  ✍ Author: Sarah Jessica Parker

I have always depended on the kindness of strangers.

Tags: Kindness, Strangers  ✍ Author: Tennessee Williams

I couldn't throw a knuckleball if my life depended on it.

Tags: Life, Throw  ✍ Author: Gio Gonzalez

I grew up aware of all the people I depended on and who depended on me.

Tags: Aware  ✍ Author: Barbara Kingsolver

What we wanted from an agent depended on what he brought in.

Tags: Agent, Wanted  ✍ Author: Markus Wolf

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