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Good Chance Quotes

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Good Chance quote #1
Good Chance quote #2

In my mind's eye, I visualize how a particular... sight and feeling will appear on a print. If it excites me, there is a good chance it will make a good photograph. It is an intuitive sense, an ability that comes from a lot of practice.

Tags: Feeling, Good, Mind  ✍ Author: Ansel Adams

If you're writing a screenplay, you need to be prepared to let go: there's a good chance the words you write aren't going to be the ones that end up on screen.

Tags: End, Good, Writing  ✍ Author: Meg Cabot

Could we have prevented in 100% certainty? I don't think anything is that certain. However, we would have had a very, very good chance for preventing it.

Tags: Chance, Good, However  ✍ Author: Kenneth Edmonds

If I put the script down more than once, there's a good chance that I probably don't want to play the part.

Tags: Chance, Good, Put  ✍ Author: Joe Lando

When you're an established name, you know that a children's book will have a pretty good chance of getting picked up. Like Madonna. It's not that I had this great idea. Actually, in my case, it was a great idea.

Tags: Children, Good, Great  ✍ Author: Jo Nesbo

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Good Chance quote #2
Good Chance quote #2
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