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Harry Carey, Jr.'s Quotes

Harry Carey, Jr. profile photo

Born: 1921-05-16
Profession: Actor
Nation: American
Biography of Harry Carey, Jr.

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Harry Carey, Jr.'s quote #1
Harry Carey, Jr.'s quote #2

I loved Allan Dwan. He was a tough old guy.

Tags: Loved, Old, Tough

I was an expert horseman.

Tags: Expert, Horseman

My journey has been that of a character actor.

Tags: Actor, Character, Journey

You can always tell a novice rider; they aren't comfortable in the saddle and have to hang on.

Tags: Hang, Rider, Tell

I've worked with the great and the not-so-great. But mostly I've worked with men and women who loved their profession, and who like me, had kids to raise and houses to pay for.

Tags: Great, Men, Women
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Harry Carey, Jr.'s quote #2
Harry Carey, Jr.'s quote #2
Harry Carey, Jr.'s quote #2
Harry Carey, Jr.'s quote #2
Harry Carey, Jr.'s quote #2
Harry Carey, Jr.'s quote #2
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