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Immense Power Quotes

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Europe has united, China is growing speedily and Russia possesses immense power in terms of fuel resources. The US administration cannot do anything about it.

Tags: Cannot, Growing, Power  ✍ Author: Vladimir Zhirinovsky

Education is a human right with immense power to transform. On its foundation rest the cornerstones of freedom, democracy and sustainable human development.

Tags: Education, Freedom, Power  ✍ Author: Kofi Annan

Immense power is acquired by assuring yourself in your secret reveries that you were born to control affairs.

Tags: Control, Power, Yourself  ✍ Author: Andrew Carnegie

The public owns the airwaves; Congress gave them to broadcasters for free, with the understanding that they would serve the public interest while trying to maximize profit. An aspect of serving the public is to use the immense power of electronic media to reflect evolving standards of respect for other people.

Tags: Power, Respect, Trying  ✍ Author: Reed Hundt

Of course, Marxism is an example of what Carl Popper would have called a 'World Three' structure, in that it's got immense power as an idea, but you couldn't actually hold up anything in the world and say: 'this is Marxism'.

Tags: Idea, Power, Three  ✍ Author: Alan Moore

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