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Inaudible Quotes

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Inaudible quote #2

I always laugh at these rock n'rollers where you can't understand them. Mind you, it's not because they're inaudible or indistinguishable; it's because they're too obscure.

Tags: Laugh, Mind, Rock  ✍ Author: Harry Connick, Jr.

I have been using delay and reverberation since the middle 1960s. I use them to make what is almost inaudible to the ear, audible. I do not use them to play loudly but to make the higher harmonics heard.

Tags: Almost, Heard, Since  ✍ Author: Bill Dixon

Words are but the vague shadows of the volumes we mean. Little audible links, they are, chaining together great inaudible feelings and purposes.

Tags: Feelings, Great, Mean  ✍ Author: Theodore Dreiser

Inaudible prayers, particularly of the Canon, which at first don't seem to have anything to do with music, end up being a very important part of the aesthetic of the traditional structure of the Mass.

Tags: End, Music, Seem  ✍ Author: Richard Morris

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