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John Dillinger's Quotes

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Born: 1903-06-22
Profession: Criminal
Nation: American
Biography of John Dillinger

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John Dillinger's quote #1
John Dillinger's quote #2
John Dillinger's quote #3
John Dillinger's quote #4

All my life I wanted to be a bank robber. Carry a gun and wear a mask. Now that it's happened I guess I'm just about the best bank robber they ever had. And I sure am happy.

Tags: Best, Happy, Life

I rob banks for a living, what do you do?

Tags: Banks, Living, Rob

My buddies wanted to be firemen, farmers or policemen, something like that. Not me, I just wanted to steal people's money!

Tags: Money, Steal, Wanted

No; small timers get into it, and ruin it for everyone.

Tags: Everyone, Ruin, Small

Now nobody get nervous, you ain't got nothing to fear. You're being robbed by the John Dillinger Gang, that's the best there is!

Tags: Best, Fear, Nobody

OK, boys; let's go make a withdrawal.

Tags: Ok, Withdrawal

These few dollars you lose here today are going to buy you stories to tell your children and great-grandchildren. This could be one of the big moments in your life; don't make it your last!

Tags: Children, Life, Today

They're not going to get me.

Tags: Expect
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