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Modern Warfare Quotes

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Modern Warfare quote #1
Modern Warfare quote #2

We must also recognize the new realities of modern warfare and the modern landscape of a battlefield.

Tags: Landscape, Modern, Warfare  ✍ Author: Susan Davis

I beat Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 in one day.

Tags: Call, Duty, Modern  ✍ Author: Chloe Grace Moretz

We know now that in modern warfare, fought on any considerable scale, there can be no possible economic gain for any side. Win or lose, there is nothing but waste and destruction.

Tags: Lose, Possible, Win  ✍ Author: Lester B. Pearson

It is true that raids and battles killed a tiny percentage of the numbers that die in modern warfare. But in tribal violence, the clashes are more frequent, the percentage of men in the population who fight is greater, and the rates of death per battle are higher.

Tags: Death, Men, True  ✍ Author: Steven Pinker

Subsequently, the Japanese people experienced a variety of vicissitudes and were involved in international disputes, eventually, for the first time in their history, experiencing the horrors of modern warfare on their own soil during World War II.

Tags: History, Time, War  ✍ Author: Eisaku Sato

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Modern Warfare quote #2
Modern Warfare quote #2
Modern Warfare quote #2
Modern Warfare quote #2
Modern Warfare quote #2
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