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Poles Quotes

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I mean, movies are all geared to be basically under 25, and they're all tentpoles, explosions, excitement and all that - they take advantage of the big screen, which is great.

Tags: Great, Mean, Movies  ✍ Author: Joe Dante

If people concentrated on the really important things in life, there'd be a shortage of fishing poles.

Tags: Fishing, Life, Shortage  ✍ Author: Brie Larson

My observation is that after one hundred and twenty years of modernisation since the opening of the country, present-day Japan is split between two opposite poles of ambiguity.

Tags: After, Between, Country  ✍ Author: Kenzaburo Oe

I was quite emotional when I finished my lap, but had to wait for other drivers to cross the line to hear whether I'd actually done it. It feels very special, but I acknowledge that the old master, Nigel Mansell, took his 14 poles from only 16 races.

Tags: Done, Emotional, Special  ✍ Author: Sebastian Vettel

Everything about me is a contradiction, and so is everything about everybody else. We are made out of oppositions; we live between two poles. There's a philistine and an aesthete in all of us, and a murderer and a saint. You don't reconcile the poles. You just recognize them.

Tags: Between, Else, Everybody  ✍ Author: Orson Welles

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