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Potty Quotes

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Potty quote #2

There's nothing I'd never wear, really. I've worn pink spotty pajamas from a Goodwill store onstage before. This only happens when I'm having a small breakdown!

Tags: Happens, Pink, Small  ✍ Author: Marina and the Diamonds

Damien Hirst is the Elvis of the English art world, its ayatollah, deliverer, and big-thinking entrepreneurial potty-mouthed prophet and front man. Hirst synthesizes punk, Pop Art, Jeff Koons, Marcel Duchamp, Francis Bacon, and Catholicism.

Tags: Art, English, Punk  ✍ Author: Jerry Saltz

Technology has allowed us to have more drought-resistant crops. The spotty nature of drought, the spotty nature of rains can sometimes result in better yields than anticipated.

Tags: Nature, Sometimes, Technology  ✍ Author: Tom Vilsack

I do believe babies are born potty-trained. They're born knowing and are able to give subtle signals that become very prominent if you reinforce them.

Tags: Able, Become, Give  ✍ Author: Mayim Bialik

Predicting has a spotty record in science fiction. I've had some failures. On the other hand, I also predicted the fall of the Berlin Wall and the rise of fundamentalist Islam... and I'm not happy to be right in all of those cases.

Tags: Happy, Islam, Science  ✍ Author: David Brin

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