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Pretentious Quotes

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Pretentious quote #1
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I don't want to sound pretentious, but you could hire a bunch of monkeys to be on a TV show, and if it's successful, then everything's perfect and everybody's happy.

Tags: Happy, Perfect, Successful  ✍ Author: Scott Caan

I always feel so pretentious talking about comedy and deconstructing it. It always feels somehow self-centred to talk about any sort of process.

Tags: Comedy, Talk, Talking  ✍ Author: Steve Carell

Call it my little gesture toward social conscience, but I like to think I'm teaching a certain number of people to read. Now that sounds pretentious!

Tags: Conscience, Read, Social  ✍ Author: David Eddings

I was a really pretentious teenager.

Tags: Teenager  ✍ Author: Rebecca Hall

Musicians always come off sounding a little bit pretentious, and a little bit... I don't know, hypocritical, from what they do, talking about strong issues.

Tags: Off, Strong, Talking  ✍ Author: James Iha

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