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Procedural Quotes

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In TV, kid roles are like this: You're either in a couple minutes of an episode playing somebody's kid, or you get in these procedurals where you're crying or you're playing a witness or you're playing a crazy person. Every once in a while you get a big guest star role, but there's a formula to those TV shows.

Tags: Big, Crazy, Once  ✍ Author: Kyle Gallner

When 'Supernatural' came out, there were a lot of procedurals and you were either a doctor or a cop or lawyer, otherwise the show didn't stay on TV. And then we came around, and I don't want to say we were trailblazers, but we found our niche.

Tags: Either, Found, Show  ✍ Author: Jared Padalecki

I'm a huge fan of good, procedural-type shows on television... there are a lot of roles for women. But there aren't a lot of great network television roles for girls that will let you start a character in one place and finish up with her in a totally different one.

Tags: Good, Great, Women  ✍ Author: Rachael Taylor

I have never read horror, nor do I consider The Exorcist to be such, but rather as a suspenseful supernatural detective story, or paranormal police procedural.

Tags: Rather, Read, Story  ✍ Author: William Peter Blatty

Having spent a number of my younger years with trade-union parents attending NUT annual conferences, I feel comfortable with an agenda in my hand and a procedural format for debate.

Tags: Hand, Number, Parents  ✍ Author: Saffron Burrows

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