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Psychologists Quotes

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I think all writers are armchair psychologists to some degree or another, and I think a character's sexuality is fascinating. It's a great way to really get at the root of their identity, because it's such a personal thing.

Tags: Another, Character, Great  ✍ Author: Alan Ball

Shyness is inherently uncomfortable; introversion is not. The traits do overlap, though psychologists debate to what degree.

Tags: Debate, Degree, Though  ✍ Author: Jonathan Cain

Considering the importance of resentment in our lives, and the damage it does, it receives scant attention from psychiatrists and psychologists. Resentment is a great rationalizer: it presents us with selected versions of our own past, so that we do not recognize our own mistakes and avoid the necessity to make painful choices.

Tags: Great, Mistakes, Past  ✍ Author: Theodore Dalrymple

Happiness quantification sounds a bit wishy-washy, sure, and through a series of carefully administered surveys across the globe, economists and psychologists have certainly confronted a fair number of sticky issues around how to measure, and even define, happiness.

Tags: Fair, Happiness, Sure  ✍ Author: Thayer David

Til 1983, I wrote primarily for other psychologists and expected that they would be the principal audience for my book.

Tags: Audience, Book, Principal  ✍ Author: Howard Gardner

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