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Self-Improvement Quotes

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Self-Improvement quote #1
Self-Improvement quote #2

So, I think the output of our innovation is great. We have a culture of self-improvement. I know we can continue to improve. There is no issue. But at the same time, our absolute level of output is fantastic.

Tags: Culture, Great, Time  ✍ Author: Steve Ballmer

Become addicted to constant and never-ending self-improvement.

Tags: Addicted, Become, Constant  ✍ Author: Al D\'Amato

I'm single, footloose and fancy free, I have no responsibilities, no anchors. Work, friendship and self-improvement, that's me.

Tags: Alone, Friendship, Work  ✍ Author: Joel Edgerton

Many people think of perfectionism as striving to be your best, but it is not about self-improvement; it's about earning approval and acceptance.

Tags: Acceptance, Best, Striving  ✍ Author: Bobby Brown

The political restructuring we pursue in China is aimed at advancing the self-improvement and development of the socialist political system. We will continue to expand people's democracy and build a socialist country under the rule of law in keeping with China's national conditions.

Tags: Democracy, Law, Political  ✍ Author: Hu Jintao

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Self-Improvement quote #2
Self-Improvement quote #2
Self-Improvement quote #2
Self-Improvement quote #2
Self-Improvement quote #2
Self-Improvement quote #2
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