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Terrestrial Quotes

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The vast majority of terrestrial species are in fact microbes, and scientists have only begun scratching the surface of the microbial realm. It is entirely possible that examples of life as we don't know it have so far been overlooked.

Tags: Fact, Far, Life  ✍ Author: Paul Davies

A permanent base on Mars would have a number of advantages beyond being a bonanza for planetary science and geology. If, as some evidence suggests, exotic micro-organisms have arisen independently of terrestrial life, studying them could revolutionise biology, medicine and biotechnology.

Tags: Life, Science, Studying  ✍ Author: Paul Davies

To confine our attention to terrestrial matters would be to limit the human spirit.

Tags: Attention, Human, Spirit  ✍ Author: Stephen Hawking

I prefer to speak of 'interdimensionals' rather than 'extraterrestrials' because the latter has connotations of 'little green men' and all the other cliche responses. Nor does it tell the full story.

Tags: Men, Speak, Tell  ✍ Author: David Icke

It is dangerous for mortal beauty, or terrestrial virtue, to be examined by too strong a light. The torch of Truth shows much that we cannot, and all that we would not, see.

Tags: Beauty, Strong, Truth  ✍ Author: Samuel Johnson

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