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Susan Anton's Profile

Brief about Susan Anton: By info that we know Susan Anton was born at 1950-10-12. And also Susan Anton is American Actress.

Some Susan Anton's quotes. Goto "Susan Anton's quotation" section for more.

There is an anti-aging possibility, but it has to come from within.

Tags: Age, Within

I think that the pendulum will swing back to the other side one day.

Tags: Pendulum, Side, Swing

Sometimes because a woman is beautiful, she's not encouraged to be more, although she may have so much more to offer.

Tags: Beautiful, May, Woman

We're all the harshest judges of ourselves.

Tags: Judges, Ourselves

When a baby is in the room with two women, and one is considered more beautiful than the other, the infant's eyes will go to the more beautiful one.

Tags: Beautiful, Eyes, Women

When you walk into a room, a healthy, beautiful smile is incredibly important.

Tags: Beautiful, Smile, Walk
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