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Certain Ways Quotes

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Certain Ways quote #2

You have more creative freedom with writing, in certain ways, because you can create everything that happens. But, as an actor you also have creative freedom because you don't so much focus on what has to move the story along, and only on how your character is reacting to situations.

Tags: Character, Focus, Freedom  ✍ Author: John Francis Daley

I'm a very goal-oriented person in certain ways, and then in certain ways I understand that there's nothing at all that I can do about certain things. In other words, I would never set a goal that I don't have control over achieving.

Tags: Control, Understand, Words  ✍ Author: Casey James

Many of the things that I have written on have focused, at least a big part of the story, on adolescents. I think that in that period of life, so much happens, and it's the period of life where you're forming into an adult. In certain ways, you're already an adult and in certain ways you're still a kid.

Tags: Big, Life, Story  ✍ Author: Jason Katimis

Even if society dictates that men and women should behave in certain ways, it is fathers and mothers who teach those ways to children not just in the words they say, but in the lives they lead.

Tags: Men, Society, Women  ✍ Author: Fridtjof Nansen

In certain ways it is incredibly damaging considering the stuff I did before certainly wasn't for kids.

Tags: Kids, Stuff, Ways  ✍ Author: Jhonen Vasquez

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Certain Ways quote #2
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Certain Ways quote #2
Certain Ways quote #2
Certain Ways quote #2
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