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Economic Freedom Quotes

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Economic Freedom quote #1
Economic Freedom quote #2

Our economic freedom is founded on individual property rights; government should never be permitted to take those away.

Tags: Away, Freedom, Government  ✍ Author: Ernest Istook

If they are willing to give women economic freedom in that home, if they are willing to live by the standard they wish women to live by, then homes will be preserves.

Tags: Freedom, Home, Women  ✍ Author: Agnes Macphail

Make no mistake, in this campaign, I will offer the American ideals of economic freedom a clear and unapologetic defense.

Tags: American, Freedom, Mistake  ✍ Author: Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney not only believes in the values of economic freedom. His entire life has been committed to advancing it.

Tags: Freedom, Life, Values  ✍ Author: Rudolph Valentino

I follow a set of principles, I follow the Constitution. And that's what I base my votes on. Limited government, economic freedom and individual liberty.

Tags: Freedom, Government, Liberty  ✍ Author: Justin Amash

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Economic Freedom quote #2
Economic Freedom quote #2
Economic Freedom quote #2
Economic Freedom quote #2
Economic Freedom quote #2
Economic Freedom quote #2
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