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Emphasize Quotes

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Emphasize quote #1
Emphasize quote #2

It's been interesting to see how similar audiences in the East and West are, actually, and how it makes you realize that when politicians emphasize the differences between our cultures, it's usually because it benefits them more so than us.

Tags: Between, Makes, Realize  ✍ Author: Asghar Farhadi

Though public pronouncements of Israeli officials emphasize peace and mutuality, unilateralism actually drives Israeli actions.

Tags: Actually, Peace, Public  ✍ Author: Douglas Feith

One thing I like about jazz is that it emphasized doing things differently from what other people were doing.

Tags: Emphasized, Jazz  ✍ Author: Herbie Hancock

It's good that the first half of the speech emphasized freedom, because George W. Bush has been the global champion for freedom. As he said, if we don't fight tyranny it will not leave us alone in peace.

Tags: Freedom, Good, Peace  ✍ Author: Ernest Istook

The idea in The Man that Would Be King was that the music should recreate all that majestic surrounding and emphasize the adventure, but also speak about the frustration or, rather said, the curse of both protagonists, even before happened what happens them.

Tags: Music, Said, Speak  ✍ Author: Maurice Jarre

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Emphasize quote #2
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