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Entertainment World Quotes

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Entertainment World quote #1
Entertainment World quote #2

You have to look also to the media, where you have a vast majority of the loudest and most influential political voices in America media from people who came from the entertainment world.

Tags: America, Media, Political  ✍ Author: Ben Affleck

Once you see the entertainment world from both sides, you really get a greater understanding of how it all operates. As an actor going into screenwriting, I was able to understand what type of dialogue feels natural and what an actor could actually say.

Tags: Able, Once, Understand  ✍ Author: John Francis Daley

My biggest dream for this company is to restore it - to bring Time Warner back to the position that I think it once had and, even better than that, to make it the greatest company in the media and entertainment world.

Tags: Dream, Greatest, Time  ✍ Author: Richard Parsons

They just wanted to show the entertainment world that we're vulnerable.

Tags: Show, Vulnerable, Wanted  ✍ Author: Tommy Chong

Everywhere I go now, people are like, 'That's the guy from 'Dancing With the Stars!'' It's pretty good that you're not just a football player but you're in the entertainment world.

Tags: Football, Good, Pretty  ✍ Author: Donald Driver

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Entertainment World quote #2
Entertainment World quote #2
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