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Erin Andrews's Quotes

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Born: 1978-05-04
Profession: Journalist
Nation: American
Biography of Erin Andrews

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Erin Andrews's quote #6

Being a woman in a male-dominated industry, you are so afraid of people thinking you are weak.

Tags: Afraid, Thinking, Woman

Despite what I do for a living, I am very insecure about my body.

Tags: Body, Insecure, Living

I always second-guess what I am doing.

Tags: Job, Life, Stress

I'm in love with college football. I have such a blast with it.

Tags: College, Football, Love

I'm somebody that has a very big competitive edge and a chip on my shoulder.

Tags: Big, Edge, Somebody

My dad used to call me 'the human pretzel' because I was able to bend my body, and because my legs are very long.

Tags: Able, Dad, Human

Tim Tebow cannot dance, I know that. Tebow can do a lot of things, but he can not dance.

Tags: Cannot, Dance, Tim

Yes, I am an Irish lass through and through.

Tags: Irish, Yes

I don't cheer for anyone because my job is obviously more important, but the reason why I got into sports is because of my father. He's a giant sports fan and we are from New England, so he cheered for the Celtics and the Red Sox.

Tags: Father, Job, Sports

I think what I try to do with all the naysayers, negative comments, or even people that think you can't do it, I'm trying very hard to use it as motivation and to add to that chip on my shoulder.

Tags: Hard, Try, Trying

My mom is an art teacher and is very much into the performing arts. What can I say? She is the female in my life and has guided me on how to act and conduct myself. A lot of my strength comes from her.

Tags: Art, Life, Strength

Obviously as I'm getting older, I'm seeing changes in my body that I may not like... but I do love food, and I'm from the South. I'm not gonna lie, I eat fried chicken, I love macaroni and cheese, and I love grits.

Tags: Food, Lie, Love
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