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George E. Brown, Jr.'s Quotes

George E. Brown, Jr. profile photo

Born: 1920-03-06
Profession: Politician
Nation: American
Biography of George E. Brown, Jr.

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George E. Brown, Jr.'s quote #1
George E. Brown, Jr.'s quote #2

From my earliest days, I was fascinated by science.

Tags: Days, Fascinated, Science

I was interested in science before I even knew what science was.

Tags: Interested, Knew, Science

The vast majority of politicians think they are functioning on high principle.

Tags: High, Majority, Principle

Also by my earliest days, I was fascinated by a utopian vision of what the world could be like. I've thought that science could be the basis for a better world, and that's what I've been trying to do all these years.

Tags: Science, Thought, Trying

Industrial opportunities are going to stem more from the biological sciences than from chemistry and physics. I see biology as being the greatest area of scientific breakthroughs in the next generation.

Tags: Chemistry, Greatest, Next
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George E. Brown, Jr.'s quote #2
George E. Brown, Jr.'s quote #2
George E. Brown, Jr.'s quote #2
George E. Brown, Jr.'s quote #2
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