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Hard Thing Quotes

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I think feature film can be quite conservative, because you have to now get audiences to come out, and it's quite a hard thing to do. Of course, television can be conservative too.

Tags: Film, Hard, Quite  ✍ Author: Jane Campion

You know, the hard thing about audiences not liking what a character does is that they sometimes take it out on the actor personally. That's something that you know when you become an actor or actress, but it's always hard to deal with when it actually happens.

Tags: Character, Hard, Sometimes  ✍ Author: Linda Cardellini

The hard thing is getting people to come to the theater to see something, no matter if it's good or not.

Tags: Good, Hard, Matter  ✍ Author: Paul Feig

My dad turned me onto Peter Sellers as a kid. I loved the fact that he was a unique combination of being extremely subtle and over-the-top all at the same time, and that's a hard thing to do. I admire that.

Tags: Dad, Hard, Time  ✍ Author: Will Ferrell

You have to always continue to strive no matter how hard things get, no matter how troubled you feel. No matter how tough things get, no matter how many times you lose, you keep trying to win.

Tags: Hard, Trying, Win  ✍ Author: LL Cool J

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