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Hues Quotes

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It was the rainbow gave thee birth, and left thee all her lovely hues.

Tags: Her, Left, Lovely  ✍ Author: W. H. Davies

I love corduroys , because they are really comfy and they're cozier than jeans. They come in nice autumn hues - colors that you can have fun with.

Tags: Fun, Love, Nice  ✍ Author: Rachel Bilson

There's one thing which I hate about color films... people who use up a lot of their despairing producer's money by working in the laboratory to bring out the dominant hues, or to make color films where there isn't any color.

Tags: Hate, Money, Working  ✍ Author: Claude Chabrol

You must try to match your colors as nearly as you can to those you see before you, and you must study the effects of light and shade on nature's own hues and tints.

Tags: Nature, Study, Try  ✍ Author: William Merritt Chase

There's not a wind but whispers of thy name; And not a flow'r that grows beneath the moon, But in its hues and fragrance tells a tale Of thee, my love.

Tags: Love, Moon, Wind  ✍ Author: Barry Cornwall

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