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Intimidation Quotes

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Back in those days intimidation was the greatest tool the drill instructor had. Without that tool, he would not have had control.

Tags: Control, Days, Greatest  ✍ Author: R. Lee Ermey

The more you focus on sex without love, and drugs and violence, lifestyle of intimidation and recycling, the less energy you spend on opening up the big tent.

Tags: Focus, Love, Sex  ✍ Author: Jesse Jackson

I've had to deal, a lot, with my own sense of intimidation at meeting famous people - especially actors, but really any famous people.

Tags: Deal, Famous, Sense  ✍ Author: Charlie Kaufman

The freedom to criticize judges and other public officials is necessary to a vibrant democracy. The problem comes when healthy criticism is replaced with more destructive intimidation and sanctions.

Tags: Democracy, Freedom, Problem  ✍ Author: Sandra Day O\'Connor

The Klan had used fear, intimidation and murder to brutally oppress over African-Americans who sought justice and equality and it sought to respond to the young workers of the civil rights movement in Mississippi in the same way.

Tags: Equality, Fear, Justice  ✍ Author: Charles Rangel

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