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Jack Gleeson's Quotes

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Born: 1992-05-20
Profession: Actor
Nation: American
Biography of Jack Gleeson

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Jack Gleeson's quote #1
Jack Gleeson's quote #2

Both villains and heroes need to have a steadfast belief in themselves.

Tags: Belief, Both, Themselves

I think audiences will always like bad guys who kill for no apparent reason. We just like to hate them.

Tags: Bad, Hate, Reason

I'd like to be an academic, a philosophy lecturer if possible. I'd do a Masters in Ancient Hebrew maybe, and a Ph.D. hopefully, if I get in.

Tags: Maybe, Philosophy, Possible

I'm happy to sacrifice a big pay cheque for my happiness, if that's not too corny a thing to say. It's probably more naive than mature to say that, maybe, but that's how I feel.

Tags: Happiness, Happy, Sacrifice
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Jack Gleeson's quote #2
Jack Gleeson's quote #2
Jack Gleeson's quote #2
Jack Gleeson's quote #2
Jack Gleeson's quote #2
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