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Pigeon Quotes

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Pigeon quote #1
Pigeon quote #2

I'm beginning to get pigeonholed as the girl who plays the crazies and weirdoes - and that's not the entirety of who I am. Hopefully, the whole point of being in this profession is that you change into anyone you want to be.

Tags: Change, Girl, Whole  ✍ Author: Fairuza Balk

I'm growing as an artist and expanding my range,and not pigeonholing myself by doing the same thing, over and over.

Tags: Artist, Expanding, Growing  ✍ Author: Sarah Wayne Callies

I'm a huge fan of a lot of different genres of music, and I really felt like somehow I had been pigeonholed a little bit - maybe of my own doing - and in a way where I felt like I was sort of falsely defined. What my music was being called wasn't really the music I was always listening to.

Tags: Felt, Maybe, Music  ✍ Author: Kathleen Edwards

As an actor, you know, I love not being pigeonholed, which is great. No one really knows who I am. So that's a positive.

Tags: Great, Love, Positive  ✍ Author: Kathryn Hahn

Whoever becomes the head of the National Theater finds himself in a position like that of Nelson's Column - pigeons dump on you because you're there.

Tags: Head, Himself, National  ✍ Author: Peter Hall

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Pigeon quote #2
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