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Psycho Quotes

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I'm a master of heels. I'm used to them. I'm tiny, so I wear them all the time. Apart from to the beach. That would be slightly psycho. I'm over the top, but not that much yet.

Tags: Time, Used  ✍ Author: Josephine de La Baume

When you're watching Psycho, there' s that moment when you have a visceral reaction to watching someone being stabbed. And then you have the intellectual revelation that you're not, and that's where the celebration comes in.

Tags: Moment, Someone  ✍ Author: Penn Jillette

I'm attracted to things that scare me, like 'Psycho,' my favorite Hitchcock movie.

Tags: Favorite, Movie  ✍ Author: Janelle Monae

I'm not psycho... I just like psychotic things.

Tags: Psychotic  ✍ Author: Gerard Way

Some men do think I'm a psycho bunny-boiler.

Tags: Men  ✍ Author: Amy Winehouse

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