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Respectfully Quotes

See the gallery for tag and special word "Respectfully". You can to use those 8 images of quotes as a desktop wallpapers.
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I owe my success to having listened respectfully to the very best advice, and then going away and doing the exact opposite.

Tags: Advice, Best, Success  ✍ Author: Gilbert K. Chesterton

I want someone who can respectfully challenge me. I know what I believe, so there's no point in my taking on a relationship with someone who thinks like me or laughs at what I laugh at. I enjoy being with someone who can offer me the opposite.

Tags: Enjoy, Laugh, Someone  ✍ Author: Arielle Kebbel

I've been pretty well treated by the critics, but the critics who didn't like my comedies hated them with an unbridled passion, and then I would see these same people writing very respectfully about ordinary naturalistic plays.

Tags: Passion, Pretty, Writing  ✍ Author: David Lindsay-Abaire

Pay attention to those employees who respectfully ask why. They are demonstrating an interest in their jobs and exhibiting a curiosity that could eventually translate into leadership ability.

Tags: Attention, Leadership, Why  ✍ Author: Connie Mack

Respectfully, 'Awkward Black Girl' was never meant to be politically correct. We poke fun at ignorance.

Tags: Fun, Girl, Ignorance  ✍ Author: Charlotte Rae

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