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Roller Coaster Ride Quotes

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Roller Coaster Ride quote #1
Roller Coaster Ride quote #2

It's been quite a roller coaster ride, but I've grown and learned a lot about myself. The greatest thing is being able to interact with fans and touch people's lives... for that I give thanks.

Tags: Give, Greatest, Thankful  ✍ Author: Christina Aguilera

I better make the plot good. I wanted to make it grip people on the first page and have a big turning point in the middle, as there is, and construct the whole thing like a roller coaster ride.

Tags: Big, Good, Wanted  ✍ Author: Mark Haddon

The life of a startup is full of ups and downs, an emotional roller coaster ride that you can't quite imagine if you've spent your whole career in a corporation.

Tags: Career, Emotional, Life  ✍ Author: Connie Mack

The 'science' behind hormone replacement therapy has put women on a medically engineered, press-fueled, big pharma funded roller coaster ride.

Tags: Put, Science, Women  ✍ Author: Willow Bay

I've spent about that amount of time trying to tell the public that there was purpose in... my business, my career and the roller coaster ride... how the people I associated with worked together.

Tags: Business, Career, Time  ✍ Author: Diahann Carroll

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Roller Coaster Ride quote #2
Roller Coaster Ride quote #2
Roller Coaster Ride quote #2
Roller Coaster Ride quote #2
Roller Coaster Ride quote #2
Roller Coaster Ride quote #2
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