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Titanic Quotes

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Titanic quote #1
Titanic quote #2

The Titanic will protect itself.

Tags: Protect  ✍ Author: Robert Ballard

Don't you think you're just rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic?

Tags: Chairs, Deck  ✍ Author: William Vickrey

One thing I'm doing on the new Titanic recording is actually bringing in different acoustic spaces.

Tags: Actually, Recording  ✍ Author: Gavin Bryars

I was a rust repairer. I was a rust repairer and full-time survivor. I survived all the major earthquakes, and the Titanic, and several air crash.

Tags: Air, Survivor  ✍ Author: Keith Moon

I was born on the day Lincoln was shot and the Titanic sank.

Tags: Born, Shot  ✍ Author: Pete Rose

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