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Tracy K. Smith's Quotes

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Born: 1972-04-16
Profession: Poet
Nation: American
Biography of Tracy K. Smith

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Tracy K. Smith's quote #1
Tracy K. Smith's quote #2

Brooklyn is kind of my writer's retreat.

Tags: Brooklyn, Retreat, Writer

For me, a poem is an opportunity to kind of interrogate myself a little bit.

Tags: Bit, Poem

I feel like it's a gift for any writer to be recognized like this.

Tags: Gift, Recognized, Writer

I grew up in northern California in a town called Fairfield, which is kind of exactly between San Francisco and Sacramento, a small suburb. And I'm the youngest of five children.

Tags: Between, Children, Small

So much of my poetry begins with something that I can describe in visual terms, so thinking about distance, thinking about how life begins and what might be watching us.

Tags: Life, Poetry, Thinking
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Tracy K. Smith's quote #2
Tracy K. Smith's quote #2
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