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David Low's Profile

Brief about David Low: By info that we know David Low was born at 1970-01-01. And also David Low is British Cartoonist.

Some David Low's quotes. Goto "David Low's quotation" section for more.

Churchill was one of the few men I have met who even in the flesh give me the impression of genius. George Bernard Shaw is another. It is amusing to know that each thinks the other is overrated.

Tags: Another, Give, Men

Here lies a nuisance dedicated to sanity.

Tags: Here, Lies, Sanity

Making a cartoon occupied usually about three full days, two spent in labour and one in removing the appearance of labour.

Tags: Days, Making, Three

Some critics of my work took the view that a satirist should defer to the finer feelings of his readers and respect widely held beliefs.

Tags: Feelings, Respect, Work
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