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Brokerage Quotes

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Brokerage quote #2

Advertising is a racket, like the movies and the brokerage business. You cannot be honest without admitting that its constructive contribution to humanity is exactly minus zero.

Tags: Business, Humanity, Movies  ✍ Author: F. Scott Fitzgerald

The CIA is made up of boys whose families sent them to Princeton but wouldn't let them into the family brokerage business.

Tags: Business, Family, Whose  ✍ Author: Lyndon B. Johnson

At nineteen I was pretty sure I was going to be a professional soccer player. At that time I played for one of the Norwegian premier leagues. But I tore ligaments in both knees, so I started studying business administration and economics and became a financial analyst, and I worked at a brokerage firm as a stockbroker.

Tags: Business, Pretty, Time  ✍ Author: Jo Nesbo

Once the brokerage house, rather than the bank, became the locus for American savings, that money would find its way into the stock market, because the broker was someone with a much higher tolerance for risk than the banker.

Tags: American, Money, Someone  ✍ Author: Victor Cherbuliez

In the 1970s we saw a massive shift of household savings from the banks to the brokerage firms.

Tags: Banks, Household, Savings  ✍ Author: Victor Cherbuliez

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