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Frances Conroy's Quotes

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Born: 1953-11-13
Profession: Actress
Nation: American
Biography of Frances Conroy

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Frances Conroy's quote #5

As you age naturally, your family shows more and more on your face. If you deny that, you deny your heritage.

Tags: Age, Face, Family

Marriage is an exercise in torture.

Tags: Exercise, Marriage, Torture

If you choose to be Frankenstein with Botox and plastic surgery, you've bought your own private mask.

Tags: Choose, Plastic, Private

It's actually meditative to sit in a character for an extended period of time, realizing what your relationship is to who you're playing and then letting go, just being there.

Tags: Character, Playing, Time

It's like real life: We don't get a preview of what's coming up, thank God, and we don't build our own character from what we're going to be informed with in the future.

Tags: Future, God, Life

I can't form a total picture of things. Because I'm not her.

Tags: Her, Picture, Total

'Six Feet Under' was so much about life. Sure, it had a lot to do with death, but that's the fun - that now I became a dead person.

Tags: Death, Fun, Life

Some people ask me, Do they put aging makeup on you? It's just this very nice street makeup.

Tags: Ask, Nice, Put

I guess you're happy if you have some kind of balance in you. I'm a human being. I have days when I feel paralyzed, days when I feel like a slug. Then I have days when I have good energy, I've read the newspaper and I've done different things.

Tags: Good, Happy, Human

I think the rigors of a TV schedule are brutal and 'Six Feet Under' wasn't a network schedule. We did 13 shows, we didn't do 22. I don't know how people do that. I really don't. I mean the shows are shorter, but wow, it's quite a discipline.

Tags: Discipline, Mean, Quite
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