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Heinous Quotes

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Crimes against children are the most heinous crime. That, for me, would be a reason for capital punishment because children are innocent and need the guidance of an adult society.

Tags: Children, Reason, Society  ✍ Author: Clint Eastwood

And here a most heinous charge is made, that the nation has been burdened with unnecessary expenses for the sole purpose of preventing the discharge of our debts and the abolition of taxes.

Tags: Here, Nation, Purpose  ✍ Author: Robert Walpole

49 and holding. Holding tight! Fighting that heinous age every step of the way.

Tags: Age, Fighting, Step  ✍ Author: Burt Ward

If the guilt of sin is so great that nothing can satisfy it but the blood of Jesus; and the filth of sin is so great that nothing can fetch out the stain thereof but the blood of Jesus, how great, how heinous, how sinful must the evil of sin be.

Tags: Evil, Great, Jesus  ✍ Author: William Throsby Bridges

No, the people standing before Christ and Pilate during the judgment scene do not condemn an entire race for the death of Christ anymore than the actions of Mussolini condemn all Italians, or the heinous crimes of Stalin condemn all Russians.

Tags: Christ, Death, Race  ✍ Author: Jim Caviezel

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