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Inadequacy Quotes

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'God's plan' is often a front for men's plans and a cover for inadequacy, ignorance, and evil.

Tags: God, Ignorance, Men  ✍ Author: Mary Daly

I feel very lucky to have grown up having interaction with adults who were making change but who were far from perfect beings. That feeling of not being paralyzed by your incredible inadequacy as a human being, which I feel every day, is a part of the legacy that I've gotten from so many of the adult elders.

Tags: Change, Feeling, Human  ✍ Author: Marian Wright Edelman

Much literary criticism comes from people for whom extreme specialization is a cover for either grave cerebral inadequacy or terminal laziness, the latter being a much cherished aspect of academic freedom.

Tags: Criticism, Freedom, Laziness  ✍ Author: John Kenneth Galbraith

Before I was married, I didn't consider my failure to manage even basic hand tools a feminist inadequacy. I thought it had more to do with being Jewish. The Jews I knew growing up didn't do 'do-it-yourself.' When my father needed to hammer something he generally used his shoe, and the only real tool he owned was a pair of needle-nose pliers.

Tags: Failure, Father, Real  ✍ Author: Ayelet Waldman

After a foreign invasion, there has to be a sort of feeling of musical inadequacy in the country.

Tags: After, Country, Feeling  ✍ Author: Simon LeBon

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