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John Travolta Quotes

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I once sang 'Summer Nights,' from 'Grease,' at a bar in Melbourne with John Travolta, who's a good friend of mine. He looked cool singing the part of Danny - sitting in an armchair, smoking a cigar - while I got stuck playing Sandy.

Tags: Cool, Friend, Good  ✍ Author: Hugh Jackman

John Travolta said he sometimes lets his friends take control of his airplane even though they don't know what they're doing. Then Travolta said he often does the same thing with his career.

Tags: Career, Control, Friends  ✍ Author: Conan O\'Brien

I've always thought John Travolta is one of the greatest movie stars Hollywood has ever produced.

Tags: Greatest, Stars, Thought  ✍ Author: Quentin Tarantino

I never intended to become a professional pilot. But, as I became more curious about aircraft, and, well, not being John Travolta, I realized that the only way I was ever going to fly a jet is if I got a job.

Tags: Become, Job, Realized  ✍ Author: Bruce Dickinson

You look at John Travolta in 'Pulp Fiction,' you look at Donnie Wahlberg in 'The Sixth Sense.' People have liens against them in crazy ways and the audience is always forgiving - if you prove it.

Tags: Against, Crazy, Sense  ✍ Author: Seth Green

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