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Matt Walsh's Quotes

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Born: 1964-10-13
Profession: Actor
Nation: American
Biography of Matt Walsh

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Matt Walsh's quote #3

I've never gotten hired for drama because I'm a good improviser. I don't think people who write drama scripts want you playing with them as much.

Tags: Good, Playing, Write

You can't be controlling in improv.

Tags: Improv

Although I do use some of my psychology training in comedy, but it's more like pop psychology, not a course of treatment or anything. To me, it's more like social intelligence.

Tags: Comedy, Social, Training

I guess I'm sort of spoiled because, most of the things that I get to do, people know that you're a good improviser, so they allow you at least one improv take, and for comedy, that's great.

Tags: Comedy, Good, Great

I'm a huge fan of Chicago sports and Chicago food, and I love going home and my family is still there. I guess it's pretty easy to have a normal life in Chicago.

Tags: Family, Life, Love

L.A. can be pretty insane because there's so much show business here, but I also know a lot of kids who grew up in Manhattan who are some of the most normal, nicest people I know. Casting directors always say Chicago people are just nicer.

Tags: Business, Here, Pretty

Well, politics is much more severe than entertainment. You have to hit those points, in politics, word for word. You have to remember the date. You have to remember the website. You have to rehearse stories that might be asked, have anecdotes ready for questions that might come up.

Tags: Politics, Remember, Word
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