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New Orleans Quotes

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New Orleans is 5 feet below sea level, which means that holes dug in the ground immediately fill with water. Coffins were punctured and sunk with weights, which didn't stop them from floating up out of the cemeteries and down the streets of the French Quarter on stormy nights. The solution was to bury people above ground, in what are called vaults.

Tags: Means, Sea, Water  ✍ Author: James Cagney

New Orleans jazz is a complex and embracing art form that began about the same time as the blues and encompassed many of its excellences.

Tags: Art, Blues, Time  ✍ Author: James Cagney

If New Orleans is allowed to die, a crucial part of the world's music heritage will disappear.

Tags: Die, Disappear, Music  ✍ Author: Ray Davies

New Orleans is a unique environment.

Tags: Orleans, Unique  ✍ Author: Steve Earle

Jazz came out of New Orleans, and that was the forerunner of everything. You mix jazz with European rhythms, and that's rock n' roll, really. You can make the argument that it all started on the streets of New Orleans with the jazz funerals.

Tags: Jazz, Rock, Started  ✍ Author: The Edge

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