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Persuade Quotes

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Persuade quote #1
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Persuade quote #3

When you have nothing important or interesting to say, don't let anyone persuade you to say it.

Tags: Anyone  ✍ Author: Ray Bradbury

It was said that Mr. Gladstone could persuade most people of most things, and himself of anything.

Tags: Himself, Said  ✍ Author: Dean Inge

It is wise to persuade people to do things and make them think it was their own idea.

Tags: Idea, Wise  ✍ Author: Nelson Mandela

The passions are the only orators which always persuade.

Tags: Orators, Passions  ✍ Author: Francois de La Rochefoucauld

I don't know that you're ever going to persuade New Zealanders that they're not going to own their own homes and I'm not going to try.

Tags: Homes, Try  ✍ Author: Helen Clark

I don't persuade to suicide.

 ✍ Author: Jack Kevorkian

You have to be able to enthral and persuade at the same time.

Tags: Able, Time  ✍ Author: Riccardo Muti

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