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Playwright Quotes

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Playwright quote #4

I'm not a playwright.

 ✍ Author: Bob Dylan

It's very hard to be a playwright because it's very competitive.

Tags: Hard  ✍ Author: Jesse Eisenberg

I never wanted to be a playwright.

Tags: Wanted  ✍ Author: Zoe Kazan

An actor without a playwright is like a hole without a doughnut.

Tags: Actor, Hole  ✍ Author: George Jean Nathan

I am a better novelist than a poet, playwright, or essayist.

Tags: Novelist, Poet  ✍ Author: Jose Saramago

It was kind of enlightening to become a playwright.

Tags: Become  ✍ Author: Beth Henley

As a playwright, you are a torturer of actors and of the audience as well. You inflict things on people.

Tags: Audience, Inflict  ✍ Author: Tony Kushner

You can't make a living as a playwright. You can barely scrape by.

Tags: Barely, Living  ✍ Author: Sam Shepard

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