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Radical Islam Quotes

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Radical Islam quote #1
Radical Islam quote #2

Whether it's people walking off 'The View' when Bill O'Reilly makes a statement about radical Islam or Juan Williams being fired for expressing his opinion, over-reaching political correctness is chipping away at the fundamental American freedoms of speech and expression.

Tags: Away, Islam, Political  ✍ Author: Eric Cantor

The greatest threat facing humanity is a radical Islamist regime meeting up with nuclear weapons.

Tags: Greatest, Humanity, Meeting  ✍ Author: Benjamin Netanyahu

Practically the only way to dry the swamp of radical Islam is through economic development and an improved standard of living.

Tags: Economic, Islam, Living  ✍ Author: Yitzhak Rabin

Radical Islam has been the foe of Christendom for centuries.

Tags: Foe, Islam, Radical  ✍ Author: Tom Tancredo

We have to fight radical Islam wherever it exists. It's in Afghanistan, it's in Saudi Arabia, throughout the Middle-East in big numbers and it's in the United States.

Tags: Big, Fight, Islam  ✍ Author: Tom Tancredo

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Radical Islam quote #2
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Radical Islam quote #2
Radical Islam quote #2
Radical Islam quote #2
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