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Realistically Quotes

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Although this is a fictitious story the history is real. You don't want to re-write history but you certainly want to portray events and characters as realistically as you can.

Tags: History, Real, Story  ✍ Author: James D\'arcy

Finding a writer who can write decent kids' dialog and finding kids that can act realistically and not 'cute' is an effort.

Tags: Effort, Kids, Write  ✍ Author: Joe Dante

Realistically, English is a universal language; it's the number one language for music and for communicating with the rest of the world.

Tags: Language, Music, Rest  ✍ Author: Enrique Iglesias

Realistically, the chance of any book becoming a film is slim.

Tags: Book, Chance, Film  ✍ Author: Kenneth Oppel

I tried to draw people more realistically, but the figure I neglected to update was myself.

Tags: Draw, Figure, Tried  ✍ Author: Steve Sabol

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