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Right Kind Quotes

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Right Kind quote #1
Right Kind quote #2

Many a small thing has been made large by the right kind of advertising.

Tags: Large, Small  ✍ Author: Mark Twain

We need to keep investing in economic and homeland security. We need to bank on the right kind of economic development. We need to embrace opportunities, but with the right kind of safeguards.

Tags: Economic, Keep, Security  ✍ Author: John Baldacci

I think if you're able to make the music you want and you can do it in the right kind of context, you don't have to be a circus ringleader to be successful.

Tags: Able, Music, Successful  ✍ Author: James Iha

The assumption is that the right kind of society is an organic being not merely analogous to an organic being, but actually a living structure with appetites and digestions, instincts and passions, intelligence and reason.

Tags: Living, Reason, Society  ✍ Author: Stephen Rea

It's a new day at the Department of Interior, and we need to examine what makes the most sense for the American people. These are American resources and American treasures, and we need to make sure we're providing the right kind of protection, oversight and stewardship of these resources for the American people.

Tags: American, Makes, Sense  ✍ Author: Ken Salazar

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Right Kind quote #2
Right Kind quote #2
Right Kind quote #2
Right Kind quote #2
Right Kind quote #2
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