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Stewart Copeland's Quotes

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Born: 1952-07-16
Profession: Musician
Nation: American
Biography of Stewart Copeland

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Stewart Copeland's quote #4

I've got Arabic music in my blood.

Tags: Arabic, Blood, Music

And the general opinion is we are much better on stage than in the studio.

Tags: General, Opinion, Stage

Don't believe everything you see on VH1.


I'd rather duplicate it myself. Another of our favourite techniques.

Tags: Another, Favourite, Rather

In a film score, the last thing you want to do is take people out of the movie. The music is secondary. In opera, the music is the main event.

Tags: Film, Last, Music

Making music has gotten easier; selling it has gotten harder. Making music has been democratized, but the market is in the hands of fascists.

Tags: Hands, Making, Music

So I suppose that means we can actually play the instruments.

Tags: Actually, Means, Suppose

The great opera composers were so good at their job, that the whole genre came to be built around the concept of the composer's vision.

Tags: Good, Great, Job

People are disappointed when they hear my American accent because they regard 'The Police' as an English band but I've clung to my American-ness all the way.

Tags: American, Band, Police
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